Re: NANFA-- FW:Invasion Alert

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 21:20:03 EST

Call me a purist, but why stop with the listed pests in this article? I
would also include brown trout anywhere in North America, rainbow trout east
of the Rockies, largemouth bass outside of the deep south and, for good
measure, pheasant anywhere in North America. I'm sure we could come up with
a ridiculously long list, but those four were always at the top of my pops.
Largemouth bass, of course, is way too widespread now and people have been
conditioned to think lovely thoughts about them. My point is that this is an
older, wider problem. Bass, especially, have certainly limited the ranges of
various cyprinids and extirpated some locally. So thanks, Jay, for posting
this news release.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>In a recent letter to President Clinton, nearly half of all U.S. Senators
>expressed their support for combating invasive species in this country.
>Support was offered for the Administration's efforts (Executive Order
>13112) to "_ prevent, research, track, control, and eradicate destructive
>non-native species_" They cited such species as the Asian Long-Horned
>Beetle, Zebra Mussel, Fire Ant, and Kudzu. It is estimated that non-native
>species cause $123 billion in damage annually. On February 3, 1999,
>President Clinton signed the order directing federal agencies to expand and
>coordinate their efforts to combat invasive species. The Departments of the
>Interior, Commerce and Agriculture are leading the program to control
>existing non-native species and to prevent the introduction of new ones.
>Non-native species have become a great concern in this country. Gypsy Moth
>destruction of hardwood forests, Asian long-horned beetle destruction of
>native maple trees, kudzu choking out native plants, and leafy spurge
>taking over range land, are just some of the problems.
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA

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