--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
>In a recent letter to President Clinton, nearly half of all U.S. Senators
>expressed their support for combating invasive species in this country.
>Support was offered for the Administration's efforts (Executive Order
>13112) to "_ prevent, research, track, control, and eradicate destructive
>non-native species_" They cited such species as the Asian Long-Horned
>Beetle, Zebra Mussel, Fire Ant, and Kudzu. It is estimated that non-native
>species cause $123 billion in damage annually. On February 3, 1999,
>President Clinton signed the order directing federal agencies to expand and
>coordinate their efforts to combat invasive species. The Departments of the
>Interior, Commerce and Agriculture are leading the program to control
>existing non-native species and to prevent the introduction of new ones.
>Non-native species have become a great concern in this country. Gypsy Moth
>destruction of hardwood forests, Asian long-horned beetle destruction of
>native maple trees, kudzu choking out native plants, and leafy spurge
>taking over range land, are just some of the problems.
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
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