> So, I read an article this weekend about a controversy brewing in Florida in
> regards to feeding sharks on dive trips. One side states that feeding
> sharks allow people to appreciate them and their beauty..........and to
> understand sharks better by exposing more divers to them. Divers then
> understand that sharks are not the enemy and should be protected. On the
> other side there are spear fishing groups who suggest that feeding sharks
> makes them into pests that expect food when they see divers. If the sharks
> don't get food they become aggressive. In short, they want to make it
> illegal to feed sharks/fish/eels.
> Now, what do members of the NANFA list think on this issue? Is there any
> time/situation when feeding wild fish would not cause harmful unintended
> consequences? If feeding fish allows people to observe them closer and
> appreciate them more..........should it be permited?
> SW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shireen Gonzaga
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 10:41 AM
> To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Subject: NANFA-- Fish topics at the upcoming AAAS meeting
> Thought you might be interested in knowing about the
> fish topics that will be covered at the upcoming
> American Association for the Advancement of Science
> meeting. For those of you not familiar with this
> organization, it's a broad-coverage scientific
> organization that also publishes the journal Science.
> These annual meetings are heavily covered by the
> science press and attended by influential people in
> science and science policy. So I'm happy to see
> fishies being featured in their program.
> I'll try to attend these sessions, as well as a Pac-NW
> Salmon press conference being held by Nat. Sea Grant,
> and if I can understand what the the heck they're
> talking about, I'll write up something for a future AC
> (if Chris wants it).
> If anyone on the list will be attending this meeting
> too, lemme know!
> cheers,
> shireen
> -----------------------------------------------------
> >From http://www.aaas.org/meetings/2000/lif.htm
> Back to the Future: Restoring Ecosystems Impacted by
> Fisheries
> Organized by Tony J. Pitcher,
> University of British Columbia, Canada;
> Daniel Pauly, University of British Columbia, Canada
> Monday, February 21, 2000, 8:00am - 11:00am
> Tony J. Pitcher, University of British Columbia,
> Canada
> How Fisheries Impact Aquatic Ecosystems
> Daniel Pauly, University of British Columbia, Canada
> Simulating Fisheries Impacts on Acquatic Ecosystems
> Russ Jones, Council of the Haida Nation Aboriginal
> Fisheries: TEK and Back to the Future
> Nigel Haggan, University of British Columbia, Canada
> Co w/ Jones
> Andrew Trites, North Pacific Universities Marine
> Mammal
> Research Consortium
> Ecosystem Change: Unraveling the Effects of Fisheries
> from Natural Oceanographic Changes
> Christofer H. Boggs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
> Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service
> Turning Back the Clock for Pacific Tuna Fisheries
> Using
> Ecosim
> Rashid Sumaila, Michelson Institute of Economics
> Ecoval: Evaluating the Benefits from Alternative
> Ecosystems
> Using Ecological Economics
> Scientific Advice for Endangered Species Recovery
> Organized by Andrew A. Rosenberg, National Marine
> Fisheries Service;
> Usha Varanasi, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
> Monday, February 21, 2000, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
> William Rodgers Jr., University of Washington
> A Common Property, Cultural Legacy and Regional Icon
> Jack Stanford, The University of Montana
> The Normative River: Recipe for Salmon Recovery
> Peter M. Kareiva, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
> Escaping Past Legacies to Promote Recovery of Salmon:
> A Cumulative
> Risk Analysis Brian Riddell, Pacific Biological
> Station
> Salmon Recovery in the Columbia Basin: Science Reviews
> and
> Changing Perspectives
> Mike Lynch , University of Oregon The Genetic Risks of
> Extinction
> Usha Varanasi, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
> Making Science Useful in a Complex Political and Legal
> Arena
> =====
> ---------------
> Shireen Gonzaga
> Baltimore, MD
> __________________________________________________
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