Re: NANFA-- Feeding Fish - In the Wild

Kruse, Jeff (
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 13:25:23 -0800

I think feeding fish or other animals on a limited basis is OK.

With regards to the wolf eels that Katrina is talking about, it is a very
wonderful experience and I try to share this with others as often as I can
(Jay, you to could see this for yourself). Katrina's friend who showed
Katrina how to feed the wolf eels was instrumental in getting the wolf eels
protected in Puget Sound. I believe this protection outweighs the negative
aspects of feeding a few animals. If this person did not feed these
animals would he have spent the time to get them protected?

The dive site that we are talking about can only be dove at slack tide on a
small tidal exchange witch doesn't happen to often. The wolf eels are left
to fend for themselves for most of their meals.


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