Re: NANFA-- fish name musings

Christopher Scharpf (
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 19:30:27 -0400

>How about the yellow perch, Perca flavescens?

Flavescens means yellow.

>I know two: Niwaella delicata, a small loach from Japan and Dallia
>delicatissima, an Arctic Blackfish.

Good ones! Several fishes have been named "delicta" or variations thereof.
However, I believe Dallia delicatissima is a synonym of D. pectoralis.

>Actually, Chris, Nocomis was Hiawatha's mother:

I doublechecked this. Jordan says "Nocomis" is an Indian word for "daughter of
the moon."
Fishes of Tennessee says it's an Indian word for chub. I'll continue to
investigate this.

Chris Scharpf
Baltimore (20 inches and counting) Maryland

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