Re: NANFA--longears and pumpkinseeds in MI

Mark B (
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:52:43 -0500

At 2:11 PM -0500 1/25/00, wrote:
>legal species are available there are the ones I will target for breeding,
>when I get a chance. And any species which are threatened or endangered,
>especially if they are similar in appearance to any legal fish I plan on
>getting, I want to study the identifying characteristics as much as possible
>so that I can avoid accidentally taking them thinking that they are something

Glad you are taking a reponsible approach to this. We have to do likewise
to maintain the priveledge of collecting wild fishes. Apparently in
Europe, collecting is basically prohibited even for most scientists.

Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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