Re: NANFA-- Fw: Trading Post

james graham (
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 18:51:46 -0700

Which club is the last general club left. Too many chiefs or not enough
chiefs.Our club in Kalamazoo, SWMAS, is bigger than ever. 111 members at
last count.About three years ago it was kind of going down the tubes and a
core group of the old timers took things over and got things going
again.Everybody thought that things just happen but somebody has to make
them happen. There is an offshoot marine club starting up and we are in the
formative stages of starting a killie group.
Don't forget the ALA convention in Kalamazoo, April 27-29th.Attendees all
get a free Kazoo!!!
Jim Graham
Hastings, MI

In the last couple
> of years I persuaded Magilla into doing a natives programs for the CKA and
> got Kevin Maloney & Sajjad Lateef to put together a terrific presentation
> the last general club in the area.

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