NANFA-- straw poll results

Christopher Scharpf (
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 16:56:34 -0400

Hello, everyone. This e-mail reports the results of the "straw poll" I conducted
regarding the issue of moderation or non-moderation of this list.

Disclaimer: My straw poll was not sanctioned or approved by NANFA's Board of
Directors. I conducted the poll and submit my findings solely as a concerned
member of NANFA and its e-mail community.

Acknowledgment: I thank the 34 list members who took the time to vote and
articulate their opinions.

And now to the results of the vote. Of the votes received:

22 said this list should be moderated.

10 said this is just fine the way it is.

2 said neither of the above, and presented other options.

Clearly, a majority of those responding -- 65% -- would like this list to be

(Approximately 110 other list members had no opinion on the matter, or otherwise
are content to lurk and judiciously apply the 'delete' key.)

What was unclear from some of your comments is exactly what you think moderation
should entail. Is it someone who collects, reviews, and approves all e-mails
before they are sent to all list recipients? Or is it someone who
inconspicuously sits on the sidelines and referees only when the situation calls
for it? And, in
extreme cases, has the authority to boot someone off the list and forbid their

Either way, what we need is a set of guidelines to help us establish what is and
is not appropriate content and behavior for this list. I've been collecting some
guidelines from other lists and hope to present a set soon.

Until then, I leave you with this thought contributed by one list member:

"Everything in moderation. Including moderation."

Christopher Scharpf

"The secret of life is to have a task....And the most important thing is -- it
must be something you cannot possibly do!"
Henry Moore, sculptor

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