NANFA-- stickleback species in NA

Bonnie Ullmann (
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:50:16 -0800

we have threespine: Gasterosteus aculeatus, ninespine: Pungitius
pungitius , and fourspine: Apeltes quadracus. The brook stickleback:
Culaea incontans, and blackspotted: Gasterosteus wheatlandi are only
found inland in NA. The fifteenspine Spinachia spinachia is
restricted to coastal Western Europe. I'm really only familiar with
G. aculeatus. The rest of the list comes from R.J. Wootton's A
Functional Biology of Sticklebacks, 1984. Sticklebacks are famous for
being so adaptable to varying conditions. I'm quite fond of our
threespines. They are great dads.
I concur with Chuck that I, too, would be very interested in
Denmark's native fish and hearing about any stickleback stories you
might have.

>Hi Martin:
>Welcome to the list. Sorry I can't answer your question on sticklebacks,
>though surely others will help. I am very interested to know more native fish
>there in Denmark. Also interested in trapping and collecting methods you use.
>Chuck Church
>Indianapolis, Indiana USA

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