NANFA-- Re: Hornworts
Jeffrey Fullerton (
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 11:55:52 -0500
> Jeff, there is only one genus you can confuse Ceratophyllum with. It is
> Myriophyllum, and there is an empirical way to separate them.
> Ceratophyllum leaves are harsher when touched, stiffer, because they
> have more calcium in the tissue. This is an empirical approach, but good
> enough to separate the two genera.
There is no confusion between the two genera. It's separating the
hornworts from each other. Thankfully there are only two or three to
contend with as opposed to several in the case of Milfoils!
I currently grow at least half a dozen species of Milfoils and it took
me a while to figure them out.
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