At 01:21 PM 1/21/01 EST, you wrote:
>I think it should be H2CO3. Also I know in marine waters calcium and
>magnesium play important roles in the carbon cycle in marine waters. Do they
>come into play in freshwaters as well? Adley's Dynamic Aquaria isn't
>completely clear on this aspect. Adley seems to avoid the lighting
>controversy by building such large mesocosms that sunlight is the only real
>way to light them but he does use MH's to a large extent in his algae turf
>scrubbers and MH's and or VHO's in large aquariums. How many of us use the
>yeast and sugar water CO2 enrichment method? Hands please! Dynamic Aquaria
>pretty much my bible for building stable aquarium systems. Lots of really
>great ideas in this book. Pond enthusiasts should not be without this book,
>it contains ideas for fantastic ponds and nutrient management systems.
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