Re: NANFA-- Feeding Dwarf Crayfish "Fry"

Leo Arieux (
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 18:19:21 -0600 (CST)

Ray :

Funny you should bring up normal sized crayfish.....Let me tell you a

Many years ago before I sold my house and after one of the many floods,
as the water was receding I noticed a rather
large crayfish walking across my backyard in the direction of my pond.

Well I went over to where he was and picked him up. Oops it turned out
he was a she and had a bunch of in the pond she went. They
hatched, grew up and became a very nice Crawfish Etouffe meal. The first
Aquafarm on my block. Hey I didn't invite her to trespass !
Always make the best of what comes your way. You know the old
thing. Son of a gun we had big fun on the


Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler'

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