Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap advice

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:17:01 -0500

With minnow traps, you do whatever works in your experience. Sometimes a
brick in the trap would help to anchor it in a position; sometimes you might
alternatively want to put some kind of floatation device in the trap to hold
it at the surface (like for true topminnows). In general, orient it parellel
to flowing water and secure it with whatever you have, rope or chain.
Camouflaging traps is an art all its own. I've only lost one in the last 12
years, and that was a very visible one in a heavily used lake (in Pembroke,
MA, actually). Much of the camouflaging is throwing leaves, or whatever,
over the tie rope as it lies on shore.

A basic rule of aquatic research is that you have to be prepared to lose
anything you put in the water. At least traps only cost about $7 each.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>Subject: NANFA-- Minnow trap advice
>Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:20:42 EST
>I would like to ask the nanfa members for advice on using a minnow trap.

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