NANFA-- Traps Rescued

Jeffrey Fullerton (
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 04:09:38 -0500

> Lets get some more good emails on minnow traps. I am saving every single one
> of them to bring them together.
> George Arndt

Here is a pretty good pond story sent to Ray Wolff in December.

Traps Rescued!
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:00:05 -0500
Jeffrey Fullerton <>
"R.W.Wolff" <>

I finally rescued my traps out of the pond. I almost ended
up being unable to because the pond froze over again but
luckily was able to rig a hose and used the stream to melt holes big
enough to tip the traps on end and pull them out!

They were loaded again with madtoms and a few northern redbellies, a
golden shiner, some bluespotted sunfish and sticklebacks and a decent
number of mudminnows. I didnt count them but there's about a couple
dozen which I earmarked for Mark Binkley along with a few bluespotts and

returned all the other stuff to the pond.

I pulled this off just in time as it seems we are getting colder again.
Actually if I had not entered this winter season so unprepared I
wouldn't be hating it so much. Above normal warmth like we've had during
a few previous winters also makes things more bearable.

Looks like it's going down to 12 deg tonite. Good thing I got those
traps out! I think this will finish my harvest for the season. looks
like I put a pretty good dent in the mudminnow population too since they

seem to be getting less abundant. But they are certain to rebound once
those monsters I found in the turtle pool spawn.

Now I still have to move the turtles, Maybe I should try to melt
another hole and do a quick transfer tonite. Plus I'm hungry. I'll have
to run out for a bite to eat.


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