Re: NANFA-- Species effects of global warming
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 14:12:09 -0800 (PST)
Whatever the causes for global warming it seems to be
progressing . Both human cultures and other species of
living things will either move to new locations or
adapt to new ways of surviving . Those which cant do
either can only hope for sanctuary to hold them over
or die . As for the human species some cultures will
be eliminated by forced change or inability to change
.I cant see the haves gracefully joining the have nots
or the have nots just accepting their fate .In some
cases roles may be reversed . Human conflict may have
an even greater effect on "lesser" species than the
global warming itself . Anyhow thats what my crystal
ball says .
--- Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote:
> Even though it's snowing like a sumbichi in
> northeastern North America,
> overall global temperatures are slowly increasing
> (yeah, "global warming").
> The following link is an interesting analysis of how
> shifting temperatures
> may affect plants and animals. Terry Root and the
> other authors are
> reputable biologists. Planetary temperatures have
> obviously changed in the
> past, but now the interesting question is how a
> human population of 6
> billion-plus will deal with this, along with the
> rest of nature:
> STANFORD, California, January 2, 2003 (ENS) -
> Hundreds of plant and animal
> species around the world are feeling the impacts of
> global warming,
> although the most dramatic effects may not be felt
> for decades, according
> to new research from a Stanford University team.
> They predict that a rapid
> temperature rise, together with other environmental
> pressures, "could
> easily disrupt the connectedness among species" and
> lead to numerous
> extinctions.
> For full text and graphics visit:
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
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