Maybe this has changed, at least in some quarters. Everytime I see someone
with one of these setups , I first innocently ask " What do you feed him?"
So far I have always heard an answer that without saying name brands
mentions tiny pellets or flakes of some form. Luckily I have not heard, "
What, he is eating the roots".
I am keeping some of my pygmy sunfish in ice cream pails packed with java
moss. I have them setting on the ledge of the large pond in the sunroom.
They get light mostly diffused through the sides of the pail. Water temps
have hung in the fifties with air temps fluctuating from the forties to the
seventies. They appear to be very happy, and with little effort from me.
This is the same moss that are in the tubs they live in the rest of the
year, so lots of little natural foods. A couple fish to a pail keeps food
supplies apparently at sufficient levels. They look fat and sassy, and the
cold water has made their colors incredible.
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