> There is a group- Ocean Arks International that has been working with
> many species of wetland plants for biological treatment of sewage. They
> were using willow cuttings rooted in floating rafts of styrofoam as part
> of their treatment regimen.
You are talking about bare roots (hydroponics) I'm talking about rooted under
water. There almost no plant that cannot be grown with bare roots in the
water. Except maybe cactus and I wouldn't want to bet about them. The trees I
grow in the water are all rooted in the substrate. That's what I assumed the
man was talking about in regard to the willows since he mentioned mangroves
which do grow rooted in the substrate. In the wild willows always keep a
substantial part of their root system above the waterline in the bank of the
stream they grow along. If you try to root a willow tree underwater it will
eventually die as will willow trees that are permanently flooded by a dam.
Real aquatic trees will not die if permanently flooded. BTW I got a
suggestion about an aquatic palm tree the other day. It grow up from the
bottom in as much as 8 feet of water to eventually grow in to a full sized
palm, Ravenea musicalis, now there is a real aquatic tree since even bald
cypress cannot germinate under water. seeds are almost impossible to bet
unless you happen to know someone who has a mature tree in their possession.
The seeds don't ship well and they are endangered, living in only one small
stream in southern Madagascar.
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