NANFA-- Re:unusual culinary suggestions?

R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 14:31:49 -0600

Common shiners, yuck. Taste like strips of cold lard. They hop around in the
pan too ( the fillets). Golden shiner is not to bad pan fried. I want to try
mudminnows, the meat is reddish. I filleted some once for smaller fish to
eat. I never had one that I wanted to cut up that was big enough , yet.
Other than common shiner, I have not ate a fish yet that wasn't good enough
for seconds. If it wasn't , it was the cooks fault and not the fish. Like
one time I broiled fish with too much brandy, didn't think about it, and
used the broiler juice for gravy over the fish and potatoes, Woooo weee, it
got stronger with the cooking.
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