Re: NANFA-- Domestic EEL

Christopher Scharpf (
Tue, 07 Jan 2003 22:59:54 -0400

As long as they stay in the aquarium, captive eels are exceptionally hardy
and long-lived. In Sweden, a captive European eel named Putte achieved
celebrity status for living in various owners' tanks for 88 years.

Chris Scharpf

> From: John Bongiovanni <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 21:49:32 -0600
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- Domestic EEL
> You might want to check this one out! Many of us have had trained
> Cichlids, Catfish etc. but this one is pretty far out there!
> The age of this critter is pretty staggering. Who wudda thunk it?
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