I have not tried stoneroller. I will have to when I catch one large enough
to fillet ( I can fillet some pretty small fish). I also get sick of trout
stocking programs in the area. Forcing trout to live in streams too warm for
them, and in a sense making these streams off limits for all other
activities. I figure if the trout can't live there natuarlly with such tight
restrictions on harvest, they probably weren't meant to be there. NO bait
collecting, some no live bait fishing etc. The trout regulations for
Wisconsin looks like a magazine, no bull, with a color laminated cover and a
large color coded map fold out of all the streams. It is about the size of
the American Currents. In contrast, our regular regulations, which has
swelled in recent years is only the size of half a letter size ( 8.5 by 11)
paper and around 60 some pages.
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