> Check with your airline first - some do not allow live fish on board. You
> may
> very likely be able to sneak them past, but think about it -
> you travel hundreds of miles to collect some of the neatest fish around
> this is a trip you can't make often, so everything has to count
> you get to the airport with your fish stealthily concealed.
> You get in line and a skilled federal employee (they *do* exist!!) notices
> the
> critters in the bottle
> they get confiscated.
> Bummer. no fish at home.
> If your airline allows fish, be *really* careful - I have had real problems
> with the baggage check morons trying to find the company rules. It is not
> an
> every day occurrence to have fish shipped. Some airlines require they go
> airfreight, which is erally expensive. Be sure to have a contact or
> something to speed your way through the line.
Why not just mail them to yourself? The post office sells small boxes cheap,
just double bag them and mail them overnight.
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