RE: NANFA-- Maryland darter
Ashton, Matthew J. (
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:06:07 -0500
well maybe someone else in ohio can help me with this but this darter
sure has one up one the scioto madtom because as far as i know the
madtom hasnt been seen live for 30 or so years and that with heavy
sampling in areas of its historic range and habitat. is this like a
square mileage / drainage area claim? im sure there is something in the
dessert like a pupfish that is relagated to one single pool which is a
different species from something that looks the same but isolated and 2
miles away. but who knows maybe it is only in one pool like it sorta
mentioned. the page itself really wasnt about the darter it was
advocating buffer zones so kinda an exploitation of a aptly and PR named
fish to get another agenda across.
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