NANFA-- pretty schweet.

Crail, Todd (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 09:21:23 -0500

I was at the "Outdoor Outfitter" store the other night, jealously wandering
the aisles as my wife was purchasing her backpacking equipment for her trip to
the Grand Canyon this year. The trip that I'm not allowed to go on.

So I'm looking at all the Delorme maps and topo software and neato books that
I could use to find prime gradient streams in Ohio and Michigan, when I notice
this book called "Canoeing and Kayaking Ohio's Streams: An Access Guide for
Paddlers and Anglers". Access Guide?!?!

As I began to finger thru, the drooling commenced as they had every legal
parking and launching point on most any navigable stream in Ohio listed among
the pages. It also lists any major rapids or dams, length of stream section,
etc etc etc.

I'm sure this is all on the web somewhere, but man, for $16 I couldn't believe
I could just have it on the book shelf :)

It also got me thinking about float trips... Has anyone ever sampled rivers
via canoes before? That would be a great day out, I'm thinking.

So to heck with her and her little "Ladies Grand Canyon trip"... I've got
access points now that I can use any time I want to! ;)
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