Re: NANFA-- weird darter illness?

Travis Haas (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:34:04 -0600

"Crail, Todd" wrote:
> I "worked" with this indepth at my fish shop, with all sorts of lab grade
> probes and what not. I can type up the scenario later on, if we think this
> would be of some benefit to understanding how I observed animal health in
> concern to DO2 and photosynthesis. Certainly not worthy of a real paper, but
> the modest anecdote's results were quite impressive, and certainly changed the
> way I view my aquaria.

Todd, I don't know that I have the authority to decide whether it would
be of benefit to this thread or not, but I would certainly like to read
about your investigation. If you get the time, please type it up.

Travis Haas
Appleton, WI
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