NANFA-- Mad Fish Hunting
Mark (
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:10:05 -0500
Did a little fish hunting over the weekend. When your shirt sleeves become
soaked, and then frozen, so you can't pull them over your hands because
there is too much ice built up on them, you know you need to think about
where this fish madness is taking you. :) Oh, and then there's the frozen
shoestrings... and the quarter inch of ice along the banks... and the
darkess when you start after sunset... and the high water that about takes
you downstream... and the fact that you don't even have anybody to help you
with the net, let alone save you from drowning. But at least there was a
bright moon, and those new neoprene waders kept you nice and warm. Note to
self: remember to buy a life vest before the next adventure.
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