Yeah, but a big tank means big work. If you saw the topside picture of
Nugee on the beach, everything
that is 'beach' was dug out of the reef area over the last 5 years. All
that beach was just water with a couple bushes. There has been as much as
1 1/2 foot of sand, gravel and silt built up throughout the reef when there
are bad floods. Plus, the river level drops as they collapse the fabridam
in Oct, and then if the river freezes and ice forms around the uppermost
structure, if there is a rain and the ice breaks up rather than melts, the
ice will carry away the logs and rocks. And if the logs are exposed, and
dry out, they tend to float away before the dam is again inflated to raise
the water level. Big logs
that are soggy enough to sink into place are hard to come by.
This time of year, as the ice gets thick, I wonder how much of the reef
will be there when I go back.
Last year, there were no rocks missing because there was little ice in our
mild winter, but a June
flood carried away some good logs. So I tried wiring the logs to big rocks
to hold them there.
With my luck, the logs will drag the rocks away <sigh>
We are having a cold snap now and the ice is building, which is what
brought the reef to mind.
No bad storms yet so i have hope that I will only have to dig out the sand
this season.
But, there is rumor that a new highway will be built in the area. It looks
like it is going in just
south of my reef but nothing is sure yet. There is a chance that they
could build it on the
exact spot of the reef, using the islands to build the piers on. This is
the location of one of the
first bridges across the Susquehanna and it is the timbers that they used
to build the foundation
of that bridge that I've dug out of the bottom and hauled to use on the reef.
I'm getting antsy for spring. I hope Moey lays eggs again and I can maybe
get a couple pictures
of the nest. and this year, I will make sure I always have enough film on
hand. It always seems
the best stuff happened as soon as I ran out of film. And of course, I
have learned my lesson
about stowing the camera on the pontoon. I lost the only hope I had at
actual pictures of the
walleyes by doing that.
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