Re: NANFA-- breeding darters
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 21:57:14 EST


Here in Michigan I have found that if the winter temp gets down to 50 F my
darters will spawn in the spring. This morning my wintering tanks were at 45
F. Since there are no windows in the cold room I use a timer to copy the
outside light levels, about 9.5 hours now. They will spawn by April or May
as the light levels increase and the temp rises. I have also execrated them
in January by moving them and their cold water to the part of my basement
that stays at about 65 F and adding three hour of light per week for three
weeks they then spawn in late February or early March. Right now I am doing
this with some swamp darters. This spring I will be trying to spawn Candy
and banded darters. I have gotten Rainbow (4 generations), greenside, Iowa,
least, Johnny, fantail, banded, orangethroat and dusky darters to breed this
way. Good luck let me know if they spawn for you.

Bob Muller
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