Re: NANFA-- breeding darters
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 23:28:51 EST


I just checked my Iowa darter records. They were wintered at 49 - 58 F.
They had 9 hours of light on Dec 21 increasing to 12 hours of light by March
21. They spawned only three times, most darters spawn daily for several
weeks. April 16 -132 eggs April 25 130 eggs and April 26 59 eggs. the
eggs took 10 days to hatch. At hatching they were 4.5 mm long and pelagic.
I placed them in greenwater and after 4 days they could eat newly hatched
brine shrimp. If your tank is at 50 F now I do not see any problem with
getting them to spawn in the spring.

Bob Muller
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