I prefer ramshorns. I don't know if there are differnt kinds, since I have
the normal ones that get nickle sized, and have had a few as large as a
quarter ( one just died or was eaten that was larger than a quarter). All ,
as far as I know, came from local water. I also have color variants:red,
tan, blackish brown, and ice cream float ( these are nearly pure white, to
having white bands on the tan background.). I think the color variants are
all the same as the small type. I try not to add new snails to the cultures
since I am pretty sure the one I have are clean, since most if not all are
several generations in captivity.
I use game fish chow pellets. Bought a 50 # bag, and finding uses for it
all the time, but it goes a long way. Amazingly, alot of fish eat it that
won't eat better "fancy" prepared foods. Must be something in it, since no
smells or colors to attract them that I can detect.
Goldfish do the same thing as the snails I would gather, processing the food
into a more useable form quickly for the green water.
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