Re: NANFA-- trout-perch/redside dace
R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 20:55:14 -0600
I have caught redside dace in non-trout streams, which means they are warm
in the summer. The young were way up in the hills in the headwaters. These
were shallow sand bottomed streams that were very warm. The adults were
further downstream near the confluence with the river, and this water is
warm as well. No cool water fish were caught, except the blacknose dace if
they are considered cool water. The rest of the fish caught with them were :
creek chub, hornyhead chub, central stoneroller, some kind of juvenile
redhorse, rainbow darter, banded darter, johnny darter, fantail darter, and
log perch. No sticklebacks were caught here, although around here they can
be found in very warm water of ditches, so I don't see them as an indicator.
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