Re: NANFA-- trout-perch/redside dace

Mark (
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:01:17 -0500

At 9:24 AM -0600 1/19/03, Mark Otnes wrote:
>I've still got a Tippecanoe Darter from the time of the Ohio convention and
>it's doing very well. He's in a 55 gallon tank filled with lots of much
>larger fish including warpaint shiners, rosyside dace, greenfin darters,
>blue breast darters, variegate darters, and a bunch of others...

Mark O,

How are your greenfins doing? Darterman-Pat said he lost his. He thinks
they are hard to keep. Would love to see that one spawned. Are they
holding their color? What temp are you maintaining?

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