It's the Charles Mill Lake Dam park right on Rt. 603 in the southwest corner
of Ashland county. There were a bunch in there. We seined up 15 - 20 in a
50' stretch right below the dam and above the first waterfall. Watch the
rocks in there tho. There's some nasty big chunks of concrete in there.
Just downstream was also the location of the trophy Hawwwwg Sucker we
A *lot* of species with micro populations (like 1 or 2 sampled), shad and
sport fish *abundant*. It took us about an hour before we saw our first
cyprinid. It was all riffles and rocky runs, but darters were in *poor*
populations. 22 species in all, also a pile of hybrid lepomids. Most of
the stuff that was there didn't belong there tho. Was probably a zero
nutrient headwater stream back in the day.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <>
> Todd and I caught some this fall in the Black Fork of the Mohican below
> reservoir just south of Rt 30. What was the name of the park?
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