Re: NANFA-- General House (tank) Keeping Question

Travis Haas (
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 17:31:55 -0600

Moon, you're up to some awesome stuff! Can I come down and do an
"internship" with you this summer? What's the pay like? :)

Travis Haas
Appleton, WI wrote:
> In a message dated 1/21/03 4:13:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > The hardest part is finding captive
> > bred fish. I don't want to support taking of these fish from the water for
> > commercial purposes.
> I sort of agree with you, I see nothing wrong with taking fish that are
> plentiful and a great many are, I breed blue spotted sunfish and I am working
> on redfin pickerels. I've breed swamp darters but they are so common it is
> not cost effective to breed them. The same thing goes for most minnows and
> silversides. Let me know when you get ready and I can supply you with both
> fresh and marine fish. the marine fish I get are species that are as tough as
> any freshwater fish and come from the tidal creeks. Many of them aren't
> colorful like tropical reef marines but they make up for it by being odd and
> unusual in shape and habits. I'm glad to see someone getting it together.
> I'll help you in any way I can. were are you located? I will have shovelnose
> sturgeon fingerlings available by late June. Nice fish for the big tank
> crowd. In captivity they seldom get much more than 18" long, 24" is the norm
> for the wild but the record is about 36". Fish that big are rare, unlike most
> sturgeon they are able to maneuver around in a tank since they are very
> slender for their size. I will also have some paddlefish fingerlings but they
> are meant for large ponds and lakes. All these are captive bred. Once I get
> the redfins under my belt I plan to start on black banded sunfish. I can also
> get plenty of bluefin killies in the early summer. With any luck I will be
> able to expand my facilities into a real (small) fish farm by the summer.
> Right now I am fighting unusually cold weather. since I breed natives I don't
> heat the tanks but with air temps in the teens it's possible that some of the
> tanks and ponds might freeze solid and bust. Most of the time the water temps
> around here stay in the mid 40's in the winter! A disaster in the making! Oh
> yeah, I also breed dwarf crayfish, I was working on blue dwarf crayfish but
> as afar as I got as a blue green paisley pattern before inbreeding caused
> some abnormalities I have new stock and plan to have normal coloration dwarf
> crayfish ready by early summer, late spring. I also plan to start breeding
> other freshwater crustaceans for use as community tank scavengers and algae
> eaters.
> Moon
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