NANFA-- cold weather
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 01:17:21 EST
I made an ice volcano! I took a fogger nozzle that had a n out put of about
1/2 gallon of water per minute and stood it up in a stand so it sprayed
straight up. I often run the water just a trickle when it's really cold to
avoid freezing my water hoses. Over the last few day with temps in the low
teens at night and 20s in the day the mist shot up by the fog nozzle has
frozen into a strange volcano shaped mound. The mist froze into a tube about
three feet high and the water spraying up from the fogger makes a strange
howling noise as rises up through the ice tube. it's really neat, when life
hands you cold weather make strange ice shapes. It looks like a fumerole that
you see in volcanically active areas but instead of being made of sulfur it's
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