That is such an EXCELLENT idea!
Solves the fish box problem next time (if ever) I make another trip to
Florida. When Mike Quispe & I used to go collecting in the Panhandle and
around Orlando at first we tried to get fish boxes and O2 from the pet
shops in Orlando. This involved alot of running around town and tied up
at least a good part of a day because the pet shop was one place, the
package store was at another and the post office another place and lots
of congested streets in between.
Another problem was that pet shops often threw away the cardboard
jackets so one time I had to make my own to send a bunch of stuff- to
you and Ray Katula. The box from the package store was too high so I had
to cut it down to fit more flush with the fish box. They looked rather
crappy didn't they?
A partial solution was achieved by getting empty fish boxes with the
jackets and mailing them empty to Mike a few months before a pending
trip. Mike has since moved here and will be possibly relocating again-
this time to Denver - so if we ever collect in Florida again- your idea
will likley become our standard method.
Still would be cool to have some contacts down there- say one in
Tallahassee and another maybe around Orlando or Gainsville- then we
could buy extra equipment like dipnets and coolers and leave it there
like I used to do with Mike- that makes travel down and back even
Failing that, we could always buy a cheep cooler at Walmart and clean it
out really good before abandoning it - maybe turned on end with the lid
wide open to reduce the possibility of panic in this post 9-11 world!
Ideally someone would claim it for their own use.
I've thought about it , but decided that attempting to put a cooler
filled with other collecting supplies on a flight as a checked baggage
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