Re: NANFA-- mmmmmmm....

Todd Crail (
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 23:07:45 -0500

Very interesting. I guess if "sumpin' ain't broke.. no need to adapt" huh?

What's even more interesting to me is the wide range of habitats I've found
them to be very successful. Of course, they're in all those fantastic
wooded, rocky streams around here. But the gene pool I took the specimens I
photograph are from the upper Olentangy River (which is refered to by
Buckeyes down 'round the Horseshoe as the "Old -n- Grungy") where a large
portion is full sun exposed, wide open, nasty, algae and cyano choked, God
forsaken, polluted to heck ditch for all practicle purposes.

I emerged with these particular specimens from a wooded rocky, riffly,
country stream, full of pride that I was going to educate Sarah's family on
what jewels they had living next door... And then someone said "Oh those?
Those are everywhere in town behind Grandpa's & Grandma's. We used to catch
'em in butterfly nets." which that locale is pretty much what I described
earlier. Sheesh. Guess I need to disappear over to ol' Carl & Ruth's next
visit ;)

And that the darters seem to have no problem with this... There *has* to be
some type of adaptation in there... There has to be! :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Stallsmith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- mmmmmmm....

> Funny you should mention a pile of data on rainbow darters... I saw a talk
> last summer at the ASIH meeting by a researcher who examined DNA from a
> wideranging group of rainbow darter populations. There was very little
> evidence of well-defined populations, i.e. the species seemed to be very
> homogenous across its range. Personally, I would have expected some kind
> pattern to emerge, but no. Maybe other sequences would show a different
> pattern. I forget the name of the guy who presented, I'll try to find it
> tomorrow in my office.
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