> The ones with horizontal stripes are females. The one s with vertical bars
> are males.
Hmmm, I would have guessed the opposite from their behavior. They are really
nice fish, very pretty. Sometimes when I am looking at my fish I wonder why
such pretty fish haven't caught on in the pet trade. Quite a few of the native
fish are every bit as pretty as anything from the tropics. I love native fish
and I know my love for the fish colors my thoughts a little bit but other than
the garish fish bred for color like red swords or platys we really have fish
every bit as pretty as tropicals. When I was a kid I lived in the country and I
mean way out in the country and I often kept fish in glass milk jugs. I
caught the fish from the river near by, when I first started going to petshops I
was told that native fish wouldn't live in captivity but I had already been
doing it so I knew that wasn't true. Maybe the way interest in native fish was
discouraged could have been responsible but it still puzzles me why no or very
few native fish ever made in into the pet trade.
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