Sometimes planting plants in their own pot is helpful. Often a cottage
cheese/ dip/ fast food container scorched under the faucet and included in
the last tank bleached, these containers can be buried in the gravel or left
to stand in a gravel-less tank. The latter is a bit easier to clean. The
former offers some protection to the plant (s) and can contain some
fertilizer, under a gravel overlay, without dosing the whole tank.
Have used small flat stones (of the sort polished by the Great Lakes and
left on the beach) over the plant roots. Wonder if there is some dissolving
of mineral from the rocks.
Have been known to quarantine new plants, space permitting. That might be a
good place to let roots take hold in a planting container.
I too am really interested in what others use - when not making barbeque and
packing for Charleston and posting side-splitting notes here. :)
All the best!
> Has anyone developed a creative method for anchoring stem plants in a
> native tank? I've always used those lead (actually magnesium I think)
> that you twist around a bundle of plants and weights them so that they
> They all seem to eventually disassociate themselves from the plants and
> their way down into the substrate never to be seen again. (There are
> twenty-five pounds or so in the bottom of my tanks!) I'm going out this
> morning to gather some ludwigia from a local spring but the thought of
> stopping off at the LFS to pay $4.99 for .15 worth of magnesium has me
> for a better solution. Any thoughts?
> -Stott (admitted list lurker)
> ^^^^^^^^^^
> O
> o
> ><)))'>' -Stott
> __________
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