When I was still dealing with gravel, I used the 100% lead free solder. I
think it was antimony? You can get a nice roll of it for $6 at the local
hardware store and have all the anchors you could ever dream of. It's
easily managed with a pair of needle nose plier (both cutting that bending
to fit). Never had any trouble with it degrading either. I still find them
now and then both in the gravel and in sand when I move tanks around. Now I
just use it to weigh down airstones.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stott Noble" <stottn_at_ncgconsulting.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 11:21 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Plant anchors
> Hi all-
> Has anyone developed a creative method for anchoring stem plants in a
> native tank? I've always used those lead (actually magnesium I think)
> that you twist around a bundle of plants and weights them so that they
> They all seem to eventually disassociate themselves from the plants and
> their way down into the substrate never to be seen again. (There are
> twenty-five pounds or so in the bottom of my tanks!) I'm going out this
> morning to gather some ludwigia from a local spring but the thought of
> stopping off at the LFS to pay $4.99 for .15 worth of magnesium has me
> for a better solution. Any thoughts?
> -Stott (admitted list lurker)
> ^^^^^^^^^^
> O
> o
> ><)))'>' -Stott
> __________
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