Geoff Kimber
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf
Of John B
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 7:11 PM
To: Nanfa
Subject: NANFA-- Freeze Dried tubifex and Darters
I have discovered that my timid Slough Darters have taken a liking to
FDT. This is great because it is a lot cheaper to to feed them FDT and
suppliment them with live and frozen foods rather than Visa versa. One
problem however is that the FDT doesn't stay on the glass long and in a
short period of time the cube will dislodge and drift to the top of the
tank. Slough Darters don't go to the top. Is anyone aware of a little
basket that will keep the cube at the bottom, prolonging the time the
cube is at the bottom of the tank?
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