I just read only some lines of the article and must say it4s disgusting and
annoying. It4s similar with all "right" people in the world who are focused
on "progress" and "freedom" and economic welfare but neglecting any form of
responsibility. We have oodles of these idiots (sorry, I don4t have another
word for them. But it is the same black-and-white-thinking that has lead to
political catastrophies as we are all facing in the world actually. The
weaker an economy does, the more people are open to follow these one-eyed
lobbyists. We have this over here just the same.
Despite of that, the ugliest fish in North America to me is the humpback
though I haven4t seen one live.
And the ugliest person is the author of the article.
> Von: Moontanman_at_aol.com
> Antworten an: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Datum: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 13:03:58 EST
> An: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Betreff: Re: NANFA-- "Ugliest fish in North America"
> In a message dated 1/5/04 12:47:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> HOOVERJ_at_wes.army.mil writes:
>> http://www.illinoisleader.com/news/newsview.asp?c=10873
> Wow talk about a slanted article.
> Moon
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