> Von: Ty Hall <tyhall_at_mia.net>
> Antworten an: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Datum: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 13:06:17 -0600
> An: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Betreff: Re: NANFA-- "Ugliest fish in North America"
> I'm always amazed by extremist's. It always my way or the highway. They can
> never see the big picture and are always unwilling to discuss or compromise.
> It's people like this idiot and the folks at PETA (The other side of the coin)
> that ruin things for everyone. When you
> are unwilling to compromise, no one wins.
> I especially love the irrigation argument. For goodness sake why do we farm
> where we have to irrigate in the first place?? Isn't there enough good
> quality, self sustaining farm land to go around? Instead of bending to
> Landowner rights, how about using land for more suited
> (re: itelligent) purposes? If someone wants to farm in the desert, go for it,
> but don't expect us to foot the bill for irrigation. You knew it was a desert
> when you got there! (I digress)
> For those of you that wrote her, I bet you do hear from her. This kind of
> person will argue till they pass out from lack of oxygen. The saddest part is
> that no matter what, you will never sway them from their ideas. They can be
> summed up in one phrase "Passionately
> Ignorant."
> Ty
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