Also...Way to go Jan and Dena!! It is refreshing to know that there are
adults out there who are willing to mentor interested youth! What a great way
to make a difference. Too many folks are too caught up in just trying to save
their lives. Right Todd? <grin>
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- Members win MWF award
> On 29 Dec, the Mississippi Wildlife Federation (state affiliate of the
> National Wildlife Federation) announced that two NANFA members, Tyler
> Strange and Heather Smith, would receive the 2003 Youth
> Conservationists of
> the Year Award. Heather and Tyler worked collaboratively on
> several fish
> projects during the past year: 1) fish communities in
> floodplain pools of
> the lower Mississippi River; 2) rescue-and-release of
> stranded alligator
> gar; 3) fishes eaten by cottonmouths and banded water snakes
> in an oxbow
> lake; 4) "Fabulous Fishes," our local hands-on ichthyology
> workshop for the
> general public; 5) spaghetti tag retention and radio-tag attachment in
> alligator gar. Heather and Tyler also assisted in laboratory
> studies of
> sturgeon, conducted a reptile show at a wildlife summer camp,
> demonstrated
> seining technique and fish communities for a conference of
> bird watchers and
> biologists, and assisted in the Christmas Bird Count for the
> Mississippi
> Audubon Society (see link below). These projects were all
> done on their own
> time and with no outside funding, although Dena and I
> provided technical and
> logistic assistance. Tyler and Heather are two of the finest
> naturalists
> that we know and have the pleasure of working with, but it is
> particularly
> gratifying to have the MWF recognize the value of their research and
> educational projects.
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