"Denkhaus, Robert" <Robert.Denkhaus_at_fortworthgov.org> wrote:Anyone interested in a "cheap" tank?
> > From: ANCA Association of Nature Center Administrators - Ann Rilling
> > Replies to this message go to the whole group.
> >
> > Anyone need a giant fish tank? Well, we've got what you're
> > looking for! It's
> > about 350 gallons (18" wide, 9' long, and 3' tall). It comes
> > with a nice
> > pine base and lights, gravel, filters - everything but the
> > fish. We've been
> > trying to sell it for $1,000 (it cost more than $3,000 new),
> > but haven't had
> > any luck. So, we'd love to make a killer deal with a great
> > nature center (or
> > even for your home!). Of course, this will be your good
> > excuse to come to
> > Durango for a little R&R to pick it up.
> > Want more info, give me a call at 970-375-7090 or just email.
> > Happy New Year.
> > Ann
> > Respond directly to the sender of this message only.
> >
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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