Re: NANFA-- Columbia trip gear

Steffen Hellner (
Wed, 07 Jan 2004 17:50:58 +0100

I hope they will stop this more and more. We have it over here with newts.
They get hooked and then just smashed. Idiots.
No doubt we are better if we only collect them alive, but are we always
right doing it?


> Von:
> Antworten an:
> Datum: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 22:54:55 -0500
> An:
> Betreff: Re: NANFA-- Columbia trip gear
> Quoting Steffen Hellner <>:
> All this worry about keeping hellbenders reminds me of the first time I saw
> one.
> I was seining in N. Georgia with a friend of mine from my ichthyology class.
> We netted one and he called it a "water dog", which he said the local
> fishermen
> hated. They would lop off their heads and throw them on the stream bank. I
> kept that one for about 2 years before releasing it (I didn't know better way
> back then). Anyway, with such an attitude by locals I don't think aqauarium
> captures pose much of a threat.
>> In fact it is not easy to keep hellbenders or other giant salamanders. But
>> none of them needs 100 C around the year. That4s only to keep metabolism
>> down. There is one private person being awarded for breeding Andrias
>> davidianus, the chinese giant sal.
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