Steffen Hellner wrote:
> I have a different and possibly very singular opportunity on this. I doubt
> ancient societies to have been or still are more responsible than modern
> societies. They simply didn4t have the tools they have today. Neither
> Indians nor African have ever been "honorable wilds" more than there were
> "honorable" europeans. Look how people in Africa destroy their fundament. I
> spent three weeks in a family in Sierra Leone. In a flat with tin roof. The
> people were absolutely nice, friendly and caring for us visitors. But they
> didn4t pay respect to nature or animals. There are two categories in Africa:
> 1st everything one can eat or trade with. 2nd everything else. First
> category is being relendlessly exploited. Category 2 is killed or destroyed
> whenever encountered because it is worthless. The entire land is digged for
> gems and the rainforest was cut to 95% in 1989 already. They kill every
> snake, every bug, every lizzard ... they can get a hand on. In Gaboon they
> kill the schimpansees and gorillas because they are easier to get than
> antilopes or other game. OK, they pay the bill in part with Ebola, but the
> primates will be gone way before AIDS, Ebola, and war will repell the
> continent into stoneage. I could tell you some nice stories about how they
> treat their girls and women. Think you don4t want to hear that over a public
> server. I don4t think I4ll ever go back to Africa. The cuccoo flies
> everywhere there.
> What people do in Borneo is possibly worse than what happens to the
> rainforest in South America. The islands forests are about to be
> systematically eradicated. Ok, I admit that much of this process is
> initialized by the profit maximization of industrial countries. But only as
> a trigger or catalysator. The Congo rainforest has one sole but strong
> companion: war. As long as there is war and rebellation there won4t be any
> form of organization and consequently no economic "progress". And it keeps
> population down. That4s why there is this wide and untouched forests,
> swamps, and savannas. I know this sounds cynical and don4t wish people to
> live in war but to me it is obvious that this is the mechanism working for
> nature there. Same with Angola, and Uganda.
> Of course there are people in all countries who are aware of what is going
> on and try to do what they can to fight it. But ignorance and profit
> thinking will always be stronger. Or at least for a long time ahead.
> Want a Mountain-Gorilla? You will get it from Ruanda! The only problem is to
> get it into your country. CITES is to control the countries of origin
> mainly. Look at madagascar. The new government cut all exports of animals to
> protect nature (official version). Now, that the bakshish is organized and
> split there are thousands and thousands of animals being exported again.
> Look how penny-priced Mantella are sold in the USA. And in what masses. It4s
> a shame. And its more or less everywhere the same. Brazil too is
> predominatly protecting its home animal-mafia rather than nature. Keeps the
> profit inside. And who the fu.. was Chico Mendez? Did they even search for
> his murder? No.
> Steffen
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