Any fish is better if it is cleaned immediatly after it is killed, and then
can be frozen right after that. That is why frozen fish sometimes taste bad.
Even if they are cleaned fresh, they might have sat in water or dried out on
the counter for a good while before actually being frozen.
To prepare bowfin that are not going to be eaten right away, soak them in a
brine solution. The brine can have seasoning added to it, your choice here.
After soaking for atleast 8 hours in a fridge, the meat can be frozen in
patties. The meat then has a consistancy like tuna after being fried,
grilled, or broiled ( whether frozen or fresh). Cooking slow with low heat
on the grill, nearly smoking, can make bowfin meat like steak after it is
done. Quite an interesting meal.
My favorite way to prepare bowfin is to fillet ( after a rap on the head to
kill it), chop the fillets into smaller sections. Chop up onions, peppers,
and celery. Mix the meat with the veggies and your favorite seasoning- salt
and pepper atleast, then coat with your favorite batter- cornmeal or beer
batter are good! Drop these fish patties in hot oil, and when brown and
floating high, take out. You never tasted anything like it, and if you like
fish and other seafood, you will like this.
That and the grilling recipe are some favorites, I have another one for
broiling, but can't recall that one quite right now.
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