And I think that you NANFA folks are one of the leading groups in this
> In many references that I've read and studied, many species that are in our
> native streams are not fully understood or sampled by professional wildlife
> professionals mainly due to time and budget restraints; but also due to the
> difficulty in performing an all inclusive study of said habitat simply due
> the
> inhospitable terrain to our human incapabilities.
> In my state, there are physical restraints and many natural eco-systems
> would tax even the most experienced scientists who would love to do such a
> comprehensive study of the thickly forested and often flooded habitats
> can
> cover thousands of square miles in any season of the year! Much sampling is
> done at low water and within easy access of roads and otherwise near urban
> communities as Ray Wolff pointed out. Not to mention the cottonmouth and
> copperhead
> snakes and the American Alligator which all tend to leave one's resolve
> somewhat lacking in many areas of our country.
> While I agree with the species of special concern ranking for some of
> perhaps there are some who know better, simply by observing the actual
> abundance of some of these species that may be not fully funded for study
> the
> interested entities; be it state, university or other concerns. If I may
> suggest,
> there are many un-educated naturalists whom would be interested in sharing
> their common knowledge with those professionals who would truly be
> in
> our experience and expertise for the betterment of knowledge and
> of all species.
> Some of our best information on life history, feeding, spawning of native
> fishes have come from NANFA members, where officialy published books have
> none,
> or very little information! Kudo's to our naturalists who share their
> and time to help establish a data base on the most overlooked species in
> America! Thanks Nanfan's!
> If anyone takes issue with any of my statements, please contact me off-line
> and I'll be glad to respond to your query.
> Swimmingly yours,
> BG
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