RE: NANFA-- Hellbender questions
Sun, 11 Jan 2004 20:25:05 -0600

Perhaps I have misunderstood this thread - but it appears that there is some
support for collecting hellbenders from putatively "secure" populations for
private attempts at breeding.

Hellbenders are large, long-lived (possibly 30 yrs), slow-maturing (probably
5-6 yrs) animals with small home ranges, limited dispersal capabilities, and
substantial genetic differences between-populations. Capacity for
short-term recovery to reductions in population size (via rapid recruitment)
and long-term recovery to reductions in range (via rapid re-colonization) is
limited. Efforts at captive propagation are planned or are already
initiated by various groups of biologists at zoos/aquaria and resource

How, then, can the removal of any number of hellbenders from any population
by or for private individuals be justified ?

Wouldn't this specific thread (on hellbenders) be more appropriate (and more
authoritatively addressed) on the Partners in Amphibian and Reptile
Conservation list ?
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