> In other words, I don't think it's any mistake or chance that I've gone
> a local Nature Conservancy volunteer... To having worked with a Federally
> listed animal, approached to join the academic community, asked to provide
> identification on species and provide survey work by an assortment of
> agencies and academics, etc ad nauseum...
Which animal was it?
> All in three years.
That4s fast, farmer!
> The _ethical_ hobbyist has _opportunity_
Absolutely. But not everywhere. There too is jelousy in scientists,
especially in those who work on taxonomy. Publications count.
> It's funny how far you can get being unselfish, to actually realize selfish
> goals. I used to be able to "do it better" too, and never got anywhere.
Isn4t it this way in every aspect?
> And with that... I'm done with this thread. It's case closed to me, and is
> the point where I'll agree to disagree :)
OK, I as well think we4re done.
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