For a review of WIlson's work and status of this salamander, go to:
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
> ><)> Still waiting for evidence that collecting of fish
> ><)> or any other cold-blooded
> ><)> animal has ever lead to extinction.
>This is where I think that the views on this topic are nearsighted. It is
>not that it may lead to extiction, it is that it is not helping to preserve
>the species by still allowing for unrestricted collection or possession.
>You are reducing genetic diversity and therefore *possibly* weakening the
>species as a whole. There is much that humans don't know about population
>dynamics and that is why I vote for erring on the side of caution and not
>allowing just anyone who thinks they know what they are doing to keep the
>species. Unfortunately, it is reactive and not proactive, but that is a
>whole other thread ;).
>Nick Zarlinga
>Aquarium Biologist
>Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
>216.661.6500 ext 4485
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